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My blog is about how to be better organized with your meal planning, you can be one person or a family of 4 or more, planning is the key to knowing what you are going to eat every day and let’s face it, we all have to eat to live! So why not plan it out? It saves time and money! What comes along with meal planning? Ideas for meals! As time goes by I will add recipes I have made for my family that were liked, and anything you see here, was well-received.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jalapeno Poppers In A Crescent Roll (Easy)

I have not been associated with Pinterest for very long but I just love the pin boards about foods from others.  I found this one there and I wanted to make this to go along with my Valentine's dinner for the family.  These poppers are such a great idea and so easy to eat in one bite.  They are not messy and would be great to serve as an appetizer for any party.  I just so happened to serve them as a side for dinner.  They are not spicy hot at all, if you want spicy hot, leave a few of the jalapeno seeds intact with your jalapeno.   We loved them!  Makes 16 poppers.


  • 1 can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls dough
  • 3 large jalapenos, seeded and cut into pieces. (I sliced mine down the middle, then cut each half into 3 chunks, so one jalapeno produced 6 pieces.)
  • Cream cheese, about half a stick will do.
  • Bacon, about 5 slices, cooked first, then cut into pieces

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Fry your bacon, then cut with cooking shears into 1/2 inch pieces.
  3. Slice the jalapenos down their middles, seed them, cut each half into 3 chunks.
  4. Roll out your dough. It is already perforated into triangles, cut each triangle again into another triangle.
  5. Place a small dollop of cream cheese, one jalapeno chunk, and a piece of already cut up bacon in the middle.
  6. Twist the corners up at the top. If you can't completely close it, don't worry, your contents will still stay inside.
  7. Bake 10-15 minutes.

Crescent rolls I used.
I rolled the dough out on a cutting board and cut all the triangles in halves.
I then added a dollop of cream cheese, a chunk of jalapeno, and a piece of cooked bacon.
I did not completely close them up and the contents still stayed inside so don't fret if you can't either. Some you can, some you can't. I didn't stress that one at all.
Finished baking and as you can see, nothing oozed out and they look wonderful. They taste even better than they look!

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