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My blog is about how to be better organized with your meal planning, you can be one person or a family of 4 or more, planning is the key to knowing what you are going to eat every day and let’s face it, we all have to eat to live! So why not plan it out? It saves time and money! What comes along with meal planning? Ideas for meals! As time goes by I will add recipes I have made for my family that were liked, and anything you see here, was well-received.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Egg Salad Fiesta! Mexican-style Summertime Egg Salad South of the Border Egg Salad (Easy)

I love, love, love this meal! This is a great make ahead of time dinner that needs some time in the fridge to blend the flavors together so I like to prepare it in the morning and it is ready for dinner time. My suggestion is it tastes even better with those jalapeno cheddar wraps by Mission, slightly warm the tortilla before adding the filling. A VERY healthy meal.


Makes just under 2 quarts of salad, or enough for 10 servings

  • 3 ears corn, shucked (or 2 cups frozen corn kernels, see how to prepare down below)
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 cups red or green cabbage, shredded (already sold in stores in the 2 cups amount shredded bag by the bagged salads)
  • 1 cup red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 jalapeño chile, seeded, diced
  • 1 cup cilantro leaves, coarsely chopped (I love cilantro, so I am generous here, I use an entire bunch!)
  • 30 mint leaves, coarsely chopped (I feel 30 mint leaves is way too much, I use about 10 fresh)
  • Juice of 2 limes (warm your limes in the microwave for 30 seconds and you will get more juice out of them)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for brushing the corn (I use a little bit more than this for drizzling over the entire salad to make it a bit moister)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Optional: Flour or corn tortillas, (or Mission Jalapeno Cheddar wraps)

Corn preparation: two ways to make:
Heat a grill over high heat for several minutes until very hot. Brush the corn with olive oil and season generously with salt. Place the corn on the grill and cook for 10 minutes, rotating occasionally with tongs and basting with more oil. When the corn is tender and slightly charred on all sides, remove it from the heat and let cool to room temperature. Cut the kernels from the cobs. (instead what I do is I heat the oven to 400 degrees, get cookie sheet, spread about 2 cups of frozen corn kernels onto the cookie sheet, drizzle olive oil over the corn and bake for 20 minutes to roast the corn, easy and yummy.)

In a large bowl, coarsely mash the eggs and avocado into bite-size pieces. Add the corn, cabbage, red onion, jalapeño, cilantro, and mint. Pour the lime juice and olive oil over the top, and season with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Gently toss the ingredients together until just mixed. Taste and adjust the seasoning as needed. Store in the refrigerator, covered, for 2-4 hours before serving.
To serve, place a couple of heaping spoonfuls of salad in a tortilla. Fold the tortilla closed at one end, and roll to seal on 3 sides.

The salad will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Now, Louisa Shafia fully understands why mayonnaise is a key ingredient of egg salad—it provides a necessary fattiness, without which the salad would have no flavor. Believe Louisa, she doesn't have anything against the fat; theoretically, if she made her own mayo from farm fresh eggs and extra virgin olive oil, it would be a healthy addition to her diet. But making mayo from scratch is tricky — She's tried and failed — and she avoids commercial mayo for the same reasons that she avoids any processed foods made with stabilizers and other chemicals. Plus, as most of us know, mayo isn’t ideal nature-walk food because it can go bad so quickly. So, instead of a mayo base, Louisa started out on her flavor path by adding mashed avocados and a healthy shot of olive oil to the hard-boiled and mashed eggs. Corn came next—it’s one of her favorite summer ingredients, and, as we all know from Mexican cuisine, it’s a natural complement to avocado. By grilling the corn (you can use your outdoor grill or a grill pan on the stove-top), you bring out its richness, pull out most of the water, and give it a meaty heft. Whether you use a grill pan on the stove-top, roast the corn in the oven, or sear it in a pan, it’s absolutely essential to cook the corn until it has some caramelization. That’s how the salad’s flavor comes together. That caramelized corn is what gives the salad its base note—the same reason that many egg salad recipes call for bits of sweet, smokey bacon.

After the corn, she added some tried-and-true Mexican ingredients, including cilantro, lime, mint, red onion, cabbage for crunch, and fresh jalapeños for a spicy kick.

Louisa suggests making this salad at least two hours before you plan to serve it, so that the flavors have time to develop. The times that she has made it, it tasted like an entirely different salad from when it was first prepared it to when it was sampled again later in the day. As for serving styles, this egg salad works perfectly in a tortilla wrap, but it will be very much at home between two slices of bread, too. You can also go the gluten-free route and roll it in a fresh cabbage or collard leaf. Additions to your wrap or sandwich could include sliced tomatoes, pickles, chopped green olives, and shredded Jack or cheddar cheese. Hopefully you will enjoy this South-of-the-border take on an American classic as much as she does. Happy trails!

This meal makes plenty as you can see from this picture.
I love using these wraps with this meal, they really give a great flavor to the salad and I like to warm my wrap first, cold salad in a warm wrap. It tastes fine cold as well. I have not tried it room temperature but you can eat it that way, makes it easier for picnics.

1 comment:

  1. I just printed the recipe you provided. I can't wait to try it! thanks!!!
