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My blog is about how to be better organized with your meal planning, you can be one person or a family of 4 or more, planning is the key to knowing what you are going to eat every day and let’s face it, we all have to eat to live! So why not plan it out? It saves time and money! What comes along with meal planning? Ideas for meals! As time goes by I will add recipes I have made for my family that were liked, and anything you see here, was well-received.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chicken Soup with homemade noodles (Intermediate)

My sister taught me how to make this meal and it is a great soup for the winter. Nothing says love and care like a homemade pot of chicken noodle soup! Homemade noodles included! The reason I say this recipe is intermediate instead of easy is because of the challenge of making the noodles. It takes patience for sure! There have been many times I have not done as great of a job. If you want to make this soup and do not want to take the time to make the noodles from scratch then by all means just purchase a bag or box and add them instead. Once you make homemade you will not want to have store-bought noodles again for this meal.


1 whole chicken boiled
2 cartons chicken broth, 48 oz in size
6 celery stalks, diced
6 carrots,sliced
1 lg. onion, diced
1 tsp. salt/pepper (optional on the salt)
Chicken soup base to your liking, usually sold by the bouillon cubes, adds a lot of flavor, I definitely recommend! I, myself, do not use bouillon cubes, too salty.

Save most of the broth from the boiled chicken and add the cartons of the chicken broth or the large cans/cartons by Swanson’s or whomever. Pick the chicken clean and put back in the broth along with the celery, carrots, onions and chicken soup base. Add what you think tastes right with the chicken soup base. Bring to a boil and cook until vegetables are soft. Add salt/pepper at the end or leave it out and let people salt it to their own liking: but definitely add the pepper. Add the raw noodles the last 5 minutes of cooking time. The noodles cook almost instantly as soon as added to the boiling soup.

1 cup flour
2 eggs
½ tsp salt

Make a hole in the center of bowl in the flour and add eggs. Mix with fork and roll out with rolling pin on a floured surface. Cut with pizza cutter to desired size. 5 minutes to cook in boiling water. I usually make a double batch because the noodles are so yummy and we end up having this soup the next day as leftovers with some bread on the side. Remember you can vary the flavor of the noodles by adding seasonings to them while the ingredients are still dry. Think of the possibilities, garlic powder, rosemary, thyme, if you like hot foods, some cayenne pepper, I wonder how adding Parmesan cheese would turn out? 

I started out with a ball of dough, I then cut about a 1/2 inch thick piece and place it in the roller on the pasta machine.
The 1/2 inch piece being placed in the roller for the first roll.
This is what the dough looks like after it has been rolled once after I have cut the 1/2 inch thick piece.
I folded the dough in half and then rolled it many times more, this is the second roll after the initial.
After the dough was first put in the roller once, then folded in half, then rolled through again.
The dough being rolled out, just the beginning process.
The dough getting thinner and longer as I continue to place it through the roller on a thinner and thinner number.
The dough drying out a bit before it gets cut up into 5x6 inch squares to be cut into noodles. I ran out of counter space, there were many more than what you see, 3 more large pieces, which yield about 4 squares each.
About a 5x6 inch sheet of pasta getting ready to be cut in the pasta machine. I like shorter, bite-sized noodles, easier to eat.
Noodles being rolled out and cut by the pasta machine.
Home made noodles and chicken soup, still hot on the stove top.

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