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My blog is about how to be better organized with your meal planning, you can be one person or a family of 4 or more, planning is the key to knowing what you are going to eat every day and let’s face it, we all have to eat to live! So why not plan it out? It saves time and money! What comes along with meal planning? Ideas for meals! As time goes by I will add recipes I have made for my family that were liked, and anything you see here, was well-received.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Pancakes (Easy)

I said it in my previous pumpkin recipe this past week when I made pumpkin muffins, once I start making pumpkin muffins I can't stop making pumpkin recipes and searching online for them, at least until Christmas arrives.  I found this recipe through a friend who had posted it on her Facebook wall,  became a fan of that page,  and wouldn't you know it?  That Facebook page likes making pumpkin recipes too!  I made these for the first time this morning for my family.  They were loved!  I ate only the two showing in this picture because they were very filling to me.  This recipe is a very healthy recipe too; whole wheat flour, canned pumpkin and I used unsweetened natural applesauce with no high fructose corn syrup added.  I know buttermilk is not the healthiest option but I did use low fat.  I topped my two pancakes with some Smart Balance spread and real maple syrup and enjoyed my breakfast on this chilly Fall morning in Houston, which is very welcomed.

Makes approximately 12 pancakes. 



  • 1 3/4 cups buttermilk
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp applesauce
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon


  1. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon.
  2. Add buttermilk, egg, pumpkin, and applesauce.
  3. Mix until batter is moistened, but still lumpy.
  4. Cook on a buttered griddle on medium heat. I sprayed a frying pan with nonstick cooking spray instead.

I just love this bag of flour just because of the name! King Arthur! My son loves medieval things and I thought of him when I was shopping for wheat flour, put a smile on my face.
I really like this brand of applesauce because it is all natural and no added sugar or high fructose corn syrup like most applesauce brands out there add, corn sugar is another name for HFCS, don't be fooled. Not good for you, if you can avoid eating it, then avoid eating it. I had to buy this small single serve pack because the store did not sell the big jar of it, that's okay because I only needed 2 tablespoons of it for this recipe. I took them and then ate the rest of the single serving.
The lumpy batter. Because it is so lumpy, just drop it onto your skillet by heaping tablespoons, pouring it will not happen for you because it is too thick.
Be careful when you cook these on a medium heat, they can burn because they are so thick they take a bit longer to cook on one side before you are able to flip them.
Almost done cooking.
My plate. One glass of milk please?

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