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My blog is about how to be better organized with your meal planning, you can be one person or a family of 4 or more, planning is the key to knowing what you are going to eat every day and let’s face it, we all have to eat to live! So why not plan it out? It saves time and money! What comes along with meal planning? Ideas for meals! As time goes by I will add recipes I have made for my family that were liked, and anything you see here, was well-received.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Banana Bread French Toast (Easy but takes some time)

Banana bread french toast, topped with sliced fresh bananas, brown sugar rum sauce drizzled over the bananas and bread, then chopped walnuts sprinkled on top and finally whipped cream! Whoa is this good!

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Is this good!!! I have found the most yummiest and most gourmet way to eat french toast now! My son took his first bite and said to me "I can't believe this is dinner". What a compliment! I started out with one slice of french toast and 3 slices of bacon on the side and I had to make myself a second slice, I could have gone for a third but I had to exercise some self-control.  I served this meal up for dinner, not breakfast, it is so good it could be served up as a dessert. I used the sauce recipe that is used for the dessert Bananas Foster for my topping and the combination of sweet and gritty from the brown sugar, butter, and rum adds the nicest touch to this french toast. Before I forget, I made my banana breads, yes, I made more than one, the day before because day old bread is a bit firmer for dipping in raw egg than freshly same day made banana bread, which may crumble when sliced through.

Banana Bread recipe:

I got this recipe from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book p56

  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup mashed ripe banana(2-3 medium bananas)
  • 1/3 cup butter, melted
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

In a large bowl combine 1 cup of the flour, the sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add mashed bananas, butter, and milk. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed till blended, then on high speed for 2 minutes. Add eggs and remaining flour, beat till blended, stir in walnuts.
Pour batter into a greased loaf pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 55-60 minutes until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Remove from pan, cool thoroughly on a wire rack. Wrap in plastic and store overnight before slicing.

Bananas Foster Brown sugar rum sauce:
Make the sauce first before you start the frying of the french toast.

1/3 cup butter
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup rum

In a frying pan melt the butter, add the brown sugar, stir to mix the brown sugar and butter, once combined over a medium to low flame, add the rum, ignite it with a lighter to burn off the alcohol. Once the flame extinguishes, remove from the heat and pour into a serving container for pouring. Keep warm. 

Chopped walnuts, approximately 1/2 cup will be needed as part of the topping for this recipe as well as half a banana sliced per person and also a can of whipped cream. I pulsed my walnuts in my food processor but you can buy them already chopped. I find it is cheaper to buy them halved and then chop them myself. 

French Toast Batter:
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp butter, for frying

Whisk eggs, milk, and cinnamon together in a shallow dish. Cut your banana bread into 1/2 inch thick slices and dip in batter making sure to coat the entire piece of bread. Melt 3 tbsp of butter in a frying pan and lay as many pieces of bread evenly in frying pan and cook for about 1 minute each side. Transfer to a plate and keep warm until all slices have been cooked. Makes approximately 8-10 slices of french toast per loaf.

Now that you have fried the french toast, lay a slice or two on a plate, slice half a banana and lay those slices over the warm french toast, drizzle the brown sugar rum sauce over the banana slices on top of the french toast, then sprinkle some chopped walnuts over that, top it off with whipped cream. ENJOY! If you do not want to make the brown sugar rum sauce then use warmed caramel topping in its place.

My two banana breads cooling on a wire rack the day before.

Brown sugar rum sauce flaming, can you see the orange in the picture? That is the fire burning off the alcohol.
Brown sugar rum sauce in a pourable container.
Banana bread french toast frying.
I just flipped the french toast from the other side, one minute of frying.
My dinner, but I did make a second french toast, one was not enough for  me. The bacon gave it just the right amount of salty.

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